Iran Air Airbus A300: Three planes of type A300 B2-200 are up for sale.

Iran Air Airbus A300: Three planes of type A300 B2-200 are up for sale.

Iran Air

Airbus and Boeing

Iran Air is looking for a buyer for its ancient aircraft

Due to sanctions, the Iranian national airline is forced to operate partly ancient aircraft types. However, Iran Air now wants to sell off some of them.


Flugdienstberater / Flight Dispatcher (m/w/x)

Flugdienstberater / Flight Dispatcher (m/w/x)

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TR/NTR Captain on A220-300

TR/NTR Captain on A220-300

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Inspektor:in für Flugschulen (m/w/d)

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Mitarbeiter:in für den Bereich Prüfungswesen (m/w/d)

Mitarbeiter:in für den Bereich Prüfungswesen (m/w/d)

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For fans of old airplane types, Iran is a paradise. Not at all for passengers with a fear of flying. Aircraft, long considered obsolete in the West, are still standard in the Middle Eastern country. With the exception of a small time frame around 2016, Western manufacturers have not been allowed to deliver new aircraft to Iranian airlines for decades due to trade embargoes.

The lifting of these sanctions only lasted for a short time a few years ago. After a handful of Airbus and ATR planes were delivered to Iran, the United States under the government of Donald Trump cancelled the export licences in 2018. Since then, western second hand planes have once again only been able to be sold to Iran via detours - airlines in the country therefore continue to depend on ancient rarities.

Contemporary in the 1970s

Due to the bottlenecks - also for spare parts - mechanics from Iran enjoy a legendary reputation. They manage to keep Boeing 727s or Airbus A300s in the air, which were at the height of their time around the 1970s and 80s. But for all their skills in vintage plane maintenance, aircraft are slowly but surely getting too old in Iran.

Iran Air has therefore put several decommissioned aircraft up for sale. A sales list has recently appeared on social media. Some of the models on offer, such as the Boeing 747 SP, were taken out of service several years ago.

Some oldies still in service

One Airbus A300 B2-200 is still in service according to databases. It is considered likely that all aircraft have been used as spare parts donors over past years. Iran Air currently offers the following aircraft for sale:

  • 3 Airbus A300 B2-200, registrations EP-IBT, EP-IBV and EP-IBZ
  • 2 Airbus A310-200, registrations EP-IBQ and EP-IBZ
  • 2 Boeing 727-200, registrations EP-IRR and EP-IRS
  • 1 Boeing 747-100, registration EP-IAM
  • 1 Boeing 747-200 registration EP-IAG
  • 3 Boeing 747 SP, registrations EP-IAA, EP-IAB and EP-IAD

See pictures of the aircraft Iran Air is selling in the image gallery above.

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