Runway at the airport in Zurich: Those who fly in the future will have to pay a ticket levy.

Runway at the airport in Zurich: Those who fly in the future will have to pay a ticket levy.


Higher sustainability

Switzerland introduces a ticket levy

The Swiss Parliament approves a new measure to fight climate change. It has passed a tax on air tickets amounting up to 112 euros.


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Two years ago, the Swiss parliament said no. But two things have changed since then. Flight shame became a widely discussed topic and Swiss and Edelweiss had to be supported by the state in the Corona crisis. This has also led to a rethink in politics.

On Wednesday (June, 10), the National Council said yes to the introduction of an air ticket levy as the second chamber of the Swiss parliament. The government also supported the plan. The new levy for flights departing from Switzerland will amount to between 30 and 120 francs (between 28 and 112 euros) - graded according to transport class and travel distance.

Most of the money will flow back to companies and the population

Excluded from the new Swiss ticket tax are transit passengers, infants under two years of age and flights for medical reasons - or aircraft that do not emit greenhouse gases. The tax is also payable on private jets. For private jets, the tax is a flat rate of 500 francs.

The aim of the politicians is to have a steering effect and thus reduce CO2 emissions. «Less than half» of the revenue, according to the law, is to go into a climate fund, which will be used to finance projects to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. The rest will be distributed to companies and residents.

In Germany and Austria as well

Austria has done something similar in the context of the rescue of Austrian Airlines. The flight ticket levy is now a uniform 12 euros. However, it was decided to introduce an increased levy of 30 euros for flights under 350 kilometres. Germany also has such a levy. Since April, 1, the air traffic tax has been 12.90 euros for short flights, 32.67 euros for medium flights and 58.82 euros for all other flights.

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