Austria's chancellor Sebastion Kurz.

Austria's chancellor Sebastion Kurz.

Bundeskanzleramt Österreich/Andy Wenzel

No less than 40 euros

Austria defines a minimum price for flights

The Austrian government wants to make aviation more sustainable. They have adopted three measures to achieve this. One primarily affects low-cost airlines.


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The Austrian government headed by Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz not only announced a rescue package of 600 million euros for Austrian Airlines on Monday (June, 8). It also presented three measures designed to make aviation more ecological and social. These include the immediate introduction of the reform of the air ticket levy.

Instead of the previous 3.50 euros for short-haul flights, 7.50 euros for medium-haul flights and 17.50 euros for long-haul flights, it is now a standard of 12 euros. However, it was decided to introduce an increased tax of 30 euros for flights under 350 kilometres. This applies to the Vienna - Graz connection, for example. In addition, the law on airport fees will be amended. In the future, emissions and noise will form the basis for the level of charges.

Not at the expense of the climate and employees

But the third measure is the most extensive: In the future there will be no more cheap tickets in Austria. «This makes us pioneers in Europe», environmental Minister Leonore Gewessler said on Monday (June, 8) at a press conference.

The politician explained what the anti-dumping clause means: No more tickets would be allowed «below the legally prescribed fees and charges». That means, for example, no more tickets under 40 euros, Gewessler said. This would prevent airlines from making profits at the expense of the climate and employees.

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